Advokatfirman Fylgia, 2013-
Hökerberg & Söderqvist Advokatbyrå, 2009-2012
Advokatbyrån Kaiding, trainee, 2008
LL.M. Umeå University, 2009
Anglia Ruskin University, 2008
Swedish, English
Administrator in bankruptcy
Administrator in liquidation
Johan Norén is specialized in Insolvency Law and is an Administrator in bankruptcy, an Administrator in liquidation as well as being a Company Reconstructor. Johan was appointed Official Receiver for the First North noted Hubbr Group, a service company group with approximately 200 employees and with subsidiaries in both Sweden and abroad.
Johan also works extensively with vital general legal consultations in Contract Law, in Corporate Law and in other business law matters for small and medium-sized companies. Furthermore, Johan works in Property Law, in matters concerning the right to sell alcoholic beverages, as well as with the establishment of foundations.